3 Big Lore Finds in Jaws of Hakkon DLC

The latest DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition released on Wednesday. While the game focused heavy on Avvarian culture, something we've seen very little of in the past games, it introduced new revelations that were thought differently in the Dragon Age lore. While codex entries and characters themselves should always be taken with a grain of salt, the following points change the scope of different perspectives in Dragon Age's lore. Let's begin, shall we? Spoilers ahead.

Spirit-possession can be reversed.

A strong topic in Dragon Age 2 regarding the joining of Anders and Justice, as well as Origins with Wynne and a spirit of Faith, spirit possession has always been thought to be irreversible. But the Avvar have been privately communing with spirits, known as their Gods. From a young age, Avvar mages have spirits that act as teachers. In most cases, after a mage has come of age, the spirit is released through a ritual.  It seems that the non-spirit involved needs to agree to the separation, in order to enact the ritual. Fitting, in response to Flemeth's line that "a soul is not forced upon the unwilling". In the case of the Hakkon DLC, the apprentice refused the split at first. But what was thought impossible now is known as an Avvarian custom. Separating spirit and a person is a huge game-changer...abominations that were thought to be lost causes have the potential to be free.

Razikale is female, and is slowly being pushed to the surface.

Previously, the Old God pantheon were understood as all male. But in an ancient entry by what seems to be a Tevinter, a devoted follower describes Razikale's sudden silence and the creation of a shrine to the "Dragon of Mystery". The shrine was intended to be an amplifier to hear Razikale's voice again. "We will hear her voice again, or we will die." Razikale and Lusacan are the last two Old Gods to allegedly exist within the world, possibly 3 if Urthemiel is kept alive at the end of Origins. That said, with this entry on Razikale and the presence of gear items revolving Razikale available in the DLC, it's possible Bioware is softly introducing the next Old God to be involved in the next Blight.

The first personal account of a Forgotten God: Geldauran.

The ancient Elven text, written on the wall within a chamber, describes a denouncement against the so-called Elven Gods. "Let Andruil's bow crack, let June's fire grow cold. Let them build temples and lure the faithful with promises." Although Inquisition's main story detailed this very fact through Solas and his denouncement of the said gods, this entry casts a very specific term: "forgotten". As Geldauran says, "Their pride will consume them, and I, forgotten, will claim power of my own, apart from them until I strike in mastery."